India's silence on Myanmar's current event has left me appalled. "India, the largest democracy in the world." That is the favorite anecdote of any Indian politician. What happened to the largest democracy? Why is it not opposing the anti-democracy junta's use of force on God-fearing, non-violent, unarmed monks? "India, the upcoming super power." Another favorite anecdote of every Indian politician. Don't they know that super powership comes with responsibilities. They cannot just close their eyes at such an event and imagine that nobody is watching. What is amusing is that even the media is not giving it the front headlines that this news deserves.
Are the oil and natural gas reserves in Myanmar the only reasons behind the silence? Then what is the difference between India and other super powers, who judiciously maintain silence when opposition leaders are being packed off into jails in a neighbouring country being run by a whimsical dictator? Or is it that India is shy from using its power since it doesn't know if its real or perceived power? Then I would say that Indian politicians should stop using another favorite anecdote, "India, awakening!".
India is losing a key opportunity to bring a long lasting change in its neighbouring country, which the local people will appreciate always. It will elevate India's image in the Western world. It will help India differentiate itself from China. And it will give the Indian politician another anecdote. "India, the harbinger of democracy."